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Universities of Southern Sweden
In 2009, the Vice-Chancellors of Lund University, Malmö University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Kristianstad University and Blekinge Institute of Technology started an organized collaboration under the name of Universities of Southern Sweden. In 2015, the collaboration was increased with Halmstad University. The purpose of the collaboration is to educate, conduct research and collaborate in a regional context where the universities can make a difference and contribute to stronger regions. The collaboration builds on trust between the parties and a conviction that collaboration leads to mutual benefits. The strength is in the complementary multiplicity of the institutions. We need well-educated people who have access to good competence development for a society characterized by competitiveness. Knowledge-intensive companies are volatile and locate their business where there is highly-qualified competence, research capacity and an attractive living environment for people and companies. Our regions face a number of challenges demographically and structurally, and with our collaboration we want to strengthen the cooperation with the industry and regional decision-makers, and thereby contribute to create a strong, attractive and closely connected region.